
Children’s Books for Halloween.

Our favorite book picks for Halloween.

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September Highlights.

September brought chilly mornings, lots of family time, busy schedules and birthdays!

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Seven Months with Walker Phoenix.

Our littlest guy is seven months old and is a lovebug!

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Javi’s Nine!

Javier Cash Duffy is NINE! He’s 9! He’s halfway to 18. He has been with us… lived with us… for half the time that he’s required to live with us. That’s just craziness. Like, actually totally mind blowing.

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Boo Baskets.

Every October 1st, I give the kids Boo Baskets. They’ve become a favorite tradition and I have as much fun putting them together as the kids have fun opening them!

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Hey, there!

Hey, there!

I'm Jasmine! Welcome to our family lifestyle blog where I document our days -- the small ones + the big ones and everything in between. 

Our Family

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“Must Be Nice”.

“Wait a minute, am I hearing this right? He’s going to take all the kids home and start making YOU dinner?” Yup.

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Our Kids

Our Kids

I stay home and raise our four kids: Javi (8), Lola (6), Eva (4) + Walker (newborn). 

Activities for Kids

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The most important work you will ever do is within the walls of your home.

Our Travels

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2024 Goals

2024 Goals

This list is just what it sounds like… a list… an action list of 101 things I’d like to accomplish in the next 1,001 days. So here’s a peek at my 101 in 1,001 list.