Montessori Philosophy

Montessori And Pretend Play.

Is there room for pretend play in Montessori environments?

4 years ago

Control Of Error.

A control of error is another way to say self-correcting.

4 years ago

The Montessori Three Period Lesson.

Read about the three period lesson.

4 years ago

Beginning Language Activities.

We don't sing the ABCs. Wait, what?! Here's what our early Montessori Language activities look like.

4 years ago

Montessori: We Don’t Share.

Why we don't share + what we do instead.

4 years ago

Schema Play.

The type of play that drives me crazy!

4 years ago

A Successful Work Cycle.

Uninterrupted work time is fundamental to the Montessori philosophy.

4 years ago

What’s Montessori + What Isn’t.

The Montessori method isn't trademarked so any person, school or company can open up a program or make a material…

5 years ago

Every Day Living.

Practical Life skills can be divided into five main categories.

5 years ago

The Prepared Environment.

A key aspect of the Montessori philosophy is the prepared environment.

5 years ago

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