Categories: books

Children’s Books For Valentine’s Day.

Last year, I told myself I couldn’t buy anymore children’s books! It was getting out of hand. I did well for months! I didn’t purchase a single book. We visited the library every week, we borrowed, returned and exchanged. Seasons, holidays and birthdays came and went and it was tempting but I persevered! I utilized every library in the state it seemed — reserving and ordering books to arrive to our local branch so that I could avoid making a purchase. But, Valentine’s season is upon us and I broke my pact! I just couldn’t stop myself! I just kept clicking add to cart. Oops! Here are our newest book additions:

Lola Dutch: Lola Dutch is a lot — but we love her! This is the first in a series about a girl named Lola. We’ve borrowed them from the library a bunch and of course, we have to own them?!

A Crankenstein Valentine: I had Javi in mind when I picked out this one and sure enough, he loved it! It’s about a grumpy kid who doesn’t like Valentine’s Day until he meets someone else who doesn’t like Valentine’s Day — then, the day turns around.

Bagel In Love: I thought this book was very cute! The girls didn’t understand the jokes but Javi did — he’s 7. It’s a book with a lot of play on words so it sort of goes over the heads of the little ones. But adults will get a good laugh.

The Love Letter: This was our favorite out of the lot! So sweet.

A Hug Is For Holding Me: I got this one with Eva in mind and it didn’t disappoint. She enjoyed it a lot and we’ve read it a bunch of times since it arrived!

Here are some other Valentine’s Day book recommendations!

And if you’re looking for some February + Valentine’s Day activities as we enter a new month, check these out:

February Activities

February Activities at 14 Months Old

February Shelf Work


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