Categories: children

Dear Javi: Letter Five.

Happy Birthday, Javier! You are five years old today (a whole hand — such a big deal!) You woke up around 5:45 telling me that Daddy left your blinds open last night so the sun was shining through the windows and was waking you up (it was still dark out.) I wished you a happy birthday and asked you to try to close your eyes and pretend your blinds were shut and that the sun wasn’t bothering you. 🙂 You made it until 6:15 and then asked if you could go downstairs and I said, yes.

You quickly made your way back up to me to tell me the living room was FILLED with balloons and asked if I thought they were for your birthday! Of course they were and you immediately requested SOMEONE — ANYONE — wake up to play with you! After a few minutes, Lola was awake and joined you. You both played “keep up the balloon” next to my bed as I tried to get just a few more minutes with my eyes closed. You asked “so, why do things fall down but not up?” at 6:45AM on your 5th birthday. You definitely keep us on our toes.

You wanted to open all your presents right away! You dug right into the brand new marble run but told me that ALL the presents were your favorites. Daddy made pancakes and you got your very own mini-maple syrup. Then we dropped you and Lola off at Gramma’s and Buhpa’s so that we could prepare your SURPRISE party!

We didn’t plan for a surprise party! In fact, a few weeks ago you came with me to the party store (our first indoor store run in over 6 months!) and you chose a “mixed up” party theme — so Mickey plates, Black Panther cake plates, Jurassic Park party hats, Spider-man masks — you get the idea. But then you learned about surprise parties! So on Friday, you said to me “I want my party to be a surprise!”, I said but you know everything about your party already! and you said “well, people can still yell ‘surprise’!” —

So, that’s what we did! Once a few family members had arrived we let Gramma know and she brought you over so we could yell “surprise!” — you were SO happy. You loved your party, and played for three hours! We had your requested food items: hot dogs, BBQ Pringles and lemonade. After eating, you chose to open your presents and then we had a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting (Spider-Man-themed), but the wind blew out all the candles!

After the party, you dove into your new lego sets then you chose to go back to Gramma’s house for dinner and another round of cake. When we came home you were back to the marble run. Then chose your halloween jammies, we measured your height on the wall and you climbed in bed. When I hugged you, you asked “have you ever had a 5 year old hug you before?” 🙂

I just love you so much, Javi. We love you so much. You are a light in our lives and I can’t believe you are five years old. I also cannot remember my life before you were in it. You are so big now. I’ve been trying to pick you up once every day just to make sure I still can. You are beginning to get a little too tall for me to pick you up. And heavy. Which means, that one day — maybe soon — will be the last time I pick you up. Such a crazy thought! You think this is amazingly funny. You laugh and laugh as I struggle to lift you off the ground. You’re a riot.

Happy Birthday, Javi-man,

Love, Mama


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