Categories: children

Eight months with Lola Rey.

E I G H T months! My little girl is eight months old and I can’t believe it. Except she’s huge! And crawls! And talks away to her heart’s content.

We had a busy month! She’s growing like a weed (already in 12-18 month clothing) and finished out the month with two teeth! She’s moved from having 5 bottles of formula a day to just four AND has 3 meals a day, plus snacks! She wants anything and everything. She also has started drinking water from a sippy cup!

This past month we took a few trips. We started off in the Cape for a week and have taken some day trips and overnight trips to Maine. She seems to enjoy the sand (now) but that’s definitely a new revelation. She took her first boat trip, too.

It seems like she’s been teething for the entire month. She’s happy ANYTIME someone else is around. But when it’s just me and her… all, she, does, is, cry. Honestly. I’m telling myself it’s because she loves me and feels comforted by me and just knows that I love her unconditionally, but man — it’s been tough! Especially, when everyone is always saying “WOW, what a happy baby”… and I’m over here thinking, oh god, don’t leave me because the second you do she’s going to cry.

She thinks she’s some type of gymnast. In one month, she started sitting up, crawling, pulling up, standing, and even walking along furniture. I can’t believe it. She wants to MOVE. We’ve had to put up some gates because all she wants are the stairs.

She’s becoming more aware of Javi. She’s always been aware of him but now she’s aware of WHAT he’s doing and she wants it. It is causing some friction between them. Like when Javi’s building with his train tracks or doing a puzzle. She is all up in his business and she wants to join and take over.

We’ve been going to the playground a lot this month. She went on the swings for the first time and LOVED them. She also went down the slide and she wasn’t so sure about that one.

This month I finally set up a little area just for her. We were having some issues with toys in our house. Javi was becoming pretty possessive over HIS toys which is fine except that he knows that everything Lola has now, was his when he was a baby. So he stopped letting her touch anything. So now, we have a shelf for her with toys that Javi has given his blessing for her to use. I’m not sure what the proper way to handle this was, but it’s working for now.

We climbed Mount Manadnock and by “climbed” I mean we drove all the way to the top. She loved having a picnic lunch at the top of the mountain. It was freezing by the way and I didn’t even bring an extra layer of clothing.

On August 21st, she went back to school! She was home the entire summer with us but it was time to send her back so I could get ready to return to work. She seems to love it and (surprise) her teachers say she’s the happiest baby ever!

If I can I’m going to try to get her length and weight but she’s impossible to catch. Diaper changes are impossible. Dressing her is impossible. She doesn’t want to sit still, ever. But I’ll do my best and update when I can.


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