Categories: children

Five months with Lola Rey.

Lola’s five months old! Another month with our baby. It’s so great to be able to look back on these recaps and remember the newborn and infant days. They go by so quickly. This month (April 27-May 27) she grew in so many different ways. I’m so glad I jotted down some notes each day as reminders. It takes me a long time to write these posts and it’s even harder to sit down to actually find the time to reflect on an entire month. So notes are a must. Anyway, here are some memories.

Lola Rey at 5 months old.

She spent most of the month under the weather. Just colds and coughs here and there but that meant doctor appointments because I always get so nervous. They always tell me the same thing: keep doing what you’re doing… humidifier, saline mist, warm cloths, etc. But I still go for peace of mind.

She is sitting up with assistance and is so proud to do it! She gets the biggest smile on her face when she’s all propped up, but unfortunately she usually spits up because she’s so excited and I guess it’s such a change in positions.

She’s really great at being out and about. She’s always carted around to everything Javi does and she smiles (or sleeps) through it all! She’s a thumb-sucker! Sometimes she’ll take a pacifier but she can easily soothe herself with her thumb.

She’s wearing 3-6 month clothes but prefers no clothes at all. She enjoys the warmer weather and loves going outside and feeling the breeze between her toes. 🙂 We’ve been trying to sit outside on the porch as much as possible and she loves it. She stares out the windows at the birds and cars and listens to all of her surroundings. You just know she’s taking it all in.

She’s SO close to rolling over. She ALMOST does it and then gives up. It’s a good thing because I think once she does she’ll start to wake herself up when she’s asleep. Right now, she’s a GREAT sleeper. She goes down at 7PM and sometimes stays sleeping until after 8AM. She even sleeps through Javi’s musical instrument concerts… and they are LOUD. She’s also VERY loud so I’m not sure what that means for my future but I’m thinking my house is not going to be quiet.

She’s started noticing toys and she likes to hold things, and suck on cold teethers which leads me to believe she’s teething. We haven’t bought her any toys because we kept such good care of Javi’s toys. We’ve brought everything out for Lola to play with.

This month, she celebrated her first Mother’s Day with me. At school, she made me a picture with her footprints. I love it. 🙂

She’s so ticklish and has an amazing laugh. She thinks everything is funny and it’s especially funny and entertaining if it involves Javi. She loves Peekaboo, staring at picture books and when I hide behind a blanket and say “boo!”.

This month we went out to eat as a family and she slept the entire time. She’s eating about 7 ounces per bottle, typically at 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, and 7pm. We also started to give her solids! She tried banana, apple and pear first and LOVED it. When I tried to sneak in some green veggies she turned up her nose! She was not a fan of sweet peas.

It’s been another month of bliss with our sweet Lola Rey.


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