It’s been a whirlwind of a month! I’m not sure how the entire month of January is behind us (minus 1 day) but we made it. By that I mean — we successfully parented two kids for an entire month. Go us! (ha) I hope to do a little month in review each month with a focus on photos since that’s what I love the most. So here’s a super photo-heavy post!
I’m still on maternity leave until the end of March so most days it seems like I don’t do much. But even though I don’t leave the house — I’m doing a lot! Between taking care of Lola, baby snuggles, getting Javi off to school, feedings, diaper changes, trying to shower, pumping 8 times a day, monitoring Javi’s toilet training escapades (AH!), feeding myself, house stuff, playing with Javi, laundry (I still haven’t figured out where it all comes from?), hanging out with Sean, keeping up with my shows (THIS IS US, ANYONE?!) — wow, my days are full. Here are some photos of some of my favorite moments.
Lola in her crib. It took us a week to realize we hadn’t shown Lola her crib! She sleeps next to our bed so her nursery isn’t used yet. But I’ve started to let her lay down in her crib while I sneak in a shower. A very, quick shower because her patience is fleeting.
I take a lot of photos of Lola while she’s laying in my lap staring up at me. I often wonder if she can even see me. But every once in a while her eyes focus on me and I’m pretty confident she’s purposely making eye contact. Who knows! I’m still working on spending the same amount of time with Javi as before Lola’s arrival. It’s hard! Sometimes we sneak away and go upstairs and watch Little Einsteins in “the big bed”. Other times I try to hang out with him and he tells me he’s too busy holding Lola.
We’ve had a few snow storms this month. The first time, school was cancelled and it was a real “snow day”! The second time, the roads weren’t that great so we chose to keep him home. He’s filling his days with playdoh and puzzles. One of his most favorite toys now are these.
We were so fortunate to have a friend take our photos one weekend this month. We got some really great shots of Lola and Javi and even a family photo! We’ve also been taking selfies (of course), and we’re so lucky that Javi’s teachers take pictures of him when he’s at school. I cherish all the pictures and can’t wait to scrapbook this little family of mine.
We’ve all been watching and cheering on the Patriots! Sean’s parents sent Javi and Lola some great PATS gear and we can’t wait to watch the Super Bowl next weekend. Hopefully, it goes our way because it’s always a bit disappointing when it doesn’t! Javi’s really into FOOTBALL and the Super Bowl and he yells both words all throughout every game we watch. He’s also really worried about “Tom Brady’s hand”!
There was a day this month that we packed so full. We started the day with Javi’s haircut, followed it by Javi and Sean going out to lunch and spending the afternoon at the Ecotarium, then we went to Javi’s first SCHOOL DANCE, visited my dad at work, and spent the night with Sean’s family for dinner and relaxing. It’s crazy how some days are so slow and others are so busy!
January also includes my dad’s birthday! I posted a really funny video on my facebook page of Javi painfully singing Happy Birthday to my dad (painfully, because he was so upset that it wasn’t HIS birthday). At least he got to help blow out the candles. He also licked the cake before it was cut. (Oops.)
The cats are finally coming around to Lola. They like to snuggle with her, sleep on her clean clothes and love all the sun that fills her room. They will be a bit disappointed when she starts to move around in her toddler years. 🙂
On Wednesdays and Fridays, we pick up Javi from school. He fills the car with a lot of laughter (and noise). Lola seems to tolerate the car but prefers the couch. Who doesn’t?
Lola visited the doctor! I was feeling really good about our first outing together (other than my parent’s house) but then they told me she had to get a shot and all the air got sucked out of the room. It’s terrible to hear them cry. She’s now 22 1/4 inches long and 10 pounds 5 ounces!
This month we also got a visit from my grandma, aunt and cousin and they loved meeting Miss Lola and playing with Javi.
Javi is really gentle with Lola most of the time. When he walked in the house and I told him about Lola’s trip to the doctor and her shot he went up to her, kissed her head and said “awww Lala, you k???” (oh Lola, are you okay?)
Javi’s still coming to terms with Sean being close to Lola. It doesn’t seem to be an issue with me but anytime Sean has Lola, Javi insists he always carry him or hold him or that he sits with him. It’s hard for Sean (Javi’s no longer light as a feather) but it makes for adorable photos. The two of them spent the day at the Ecotarium together for STAR WARS day!
Overall, January has been so good to us and I can’t wait for February. 🙂
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