Categories: family

Our March.

It’s mid-April, and March escaped me! But I want to recap it anyway for journaling purposes. 🙂

Javi’s month was busy! He started out with a “dress like a teacher” day at school and the only thing he could think to add to his typical wardrobe was a pair of Harry Potter glasses! He finished basketball (thankfully!) and lacrosse started 3 days later! He was more excited about the automatic hand dryers in the bathroom at the indoor practice space than he was about actual lacrosse! 🙂 He also got together with his Cub Scout den and prepared for the annual Blue and Gold Ceremony (a big deal!) and got to walk over the bridge signifying his move from a Tiger to a Wolf. He’s very excited about this… it also means he needs some new uniform pieces… ($$)! He finished off the month with an overnight trip with Cub Scouts to Sturbridge Village and they did “a night at the museum” — filled with activities, a scavenger hunt, a “midnight walk” — he (and Sean… maybe especially, Sean) LOVED it. Throw in school, a few friend’s birthday parties, a random March snow day… and a few too many calls and emails from his teacher about his behavior at school… and that was his March!

Lola’s March moved right along! She also finished basketball and was SO excited to get a medal. She focused her extracurriculars on dance and gymnastics and that felt nice and low key! In the mornings, we got back to doing some activities each day and she’s really enjoying crafts, math and wants to read… desperately! She is doing amazing in her Speech Therapy sessions and in her Music Therapy sessions and she is loving both. She learned how to sing “Tomorrow” and spent the entire month watching Annie, learning all the words to all the songs.

Eva… talked her way through March. Seriously. She doesn’t stop talking. Ever. She is nonstop from the moment her eyes open in the morning until the moment she falls asleep at night. Good thing she’s so cute! Eva spent the month, playing inside and out, singing, trying to garden, and convincing me she needs more clothes and shoes. I took both girls to the library, and to open gym times which they loved! She took a planned trip to Children’s to check out her adenoids which are 70% blocking… so at some point we might have to make some decisions about what to do with that information. She also joined me one morning while getting my nails done and got her very first manicure!

Sean had a birthday in March! We took the kids out to dinner for hibachi which everyone loved (the experience… not necessarily the food!) A few days before his birthday, we went to a concert together and went out to dinner. He also took the kids to Maine to visit his parents for a weekend! They saw lighthouses, went out to eat visited the Children’s Museum, walked around towns — they had a blast!

And as for me — the highlights of March include finishing my teaching job! Being back home with the kids every day is exactly where I want to be. I also got the chance to go away for my annual scrapbook weekend! We crafted, held a “favorite things” party, ate good food and I slept! In other news, I had to have a second D&C procedure at the end of the month but that’s a story for another post!

Anyway, we’re well into April at this point!


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