Categories: children

Seven months with Javier Cash.

Javi turned seven months old! 

We must have been really sleep deprived, or Javi must have moved a lot when we measured his length at 6 months — or he’s shrunk (but I’m pretty confident that didn’t happen!) — since clearly, he measured 28 inches today and 29.something last month. Oops. Every day is a bit different! He’s having a good time at school twice a week and now that it’s nicer weather he goes outside with his friends (haha). It’s very cute when I pick him up from school and he smells like sunscreen. On weekends, we try to get him outside a bit and he likes to go to the playground. He’s a natural people watcher so the more people to look at — the better. He also smiles lots on the swings and is a little confused by slides. But smiles anyway.   He’s still a huge fan of music. I’m constantly singing to him and Sean’s always playing guitar so maybe that’s why. But if there is music on, he’s typically slightly calmer. 

I can’t get him to stop moving or even slow down. He wants to be on the move. He’s started to get a bit frustrated that he can’t just get down and run. He loves to crawl and roll around like a maniac. He’s still not up totally on his knees while crawling but he’s mastered getting to where he wants by crawling and dragging and spinning his body around and around.  He’s still gaining core strength and can sit unassisted for a few minutes but then he topples. One day, last week, we thought he was all good and then he fell head first into the floor. Oops. He was fine…

He’s been having baby food a few times a day. I admit that we’re not that good at giving him food (other than his bottles) but his teachers are really good at it. He’s had apples, bananas, pears, peaches, peas, sweet potatoes, squash, and carrots. He’s still learning to like eating foods and definitely favors milk! He’s growing though. At his appointment a few weeks ago, he was measured in the 94% percentile for weight (and 75% for height). So, I’m not concerned that he doesn’t LOVE food.

He’s a good sleeper, still but he’s started waking up again around 3AM for a bottle. I’m thinking maybe it’s a bit of a growth spurt, but who knows. I hope he gets back into sleeping until 7AM because that was beautiful. He’s had one or two nights of crying fits. We blamed teething (and an upper respiratory infection he acquired during this past month) but those nights were painful because of the lack of sleep and of course, just feeling so badly that he was uncomfortable or in pain. We started using Hyland’s teething tablets and they work like a charm. 

I can’t believe that so much time has passed! 


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