Ten months! I can’t believe it. Walker spent the month of December growing, thinning out, and learning so many things! Christmas with a baby and older kids is a lot different than Christmas with just a baby! Gone are the days of low key adventures, and staying cozy indoors. He saw Elf at the drive-in, Santa after an elevator ride to the North Pole, and giant trolls at the Botanical Gardens. He added his voice onto Sean’s Christmas album, spent time in Maine, went out for Chinese food on Christmas Eve, helped make Christmas cookies, and rang in the new year with a sleepover bash! He was into it every step of the way.
He continues to be in size 18 month clothes, he’s still using a bucket carseat — although it’s really heavy — and he continued to army crawl all month long. The pediatrician mentioned calling Early Intervention if he didn’t start crawling on hands and knees, but I decided to give him a few more weeks!
His body learned to do so many things this past month. He’s grown to be slightly more sturdy so the kids are having fun moving him around without freaking me out too much. He managed to climb onto the first rung of the Pikler Triangle and was very proud. I also set up the weaning table for him to sit at. He hasn’t actually had a meal there yet, but soon. He loves wagon rides, furniture walking, climbing onto the couch (the cats aren’t happy he’s learned this one), and he started to notice the stairs.
He finally outgrew the bedside sleeper, so we had to move that to the basement. He still enjoys the ergo carrier! I decided I want to try to get him on a nap schedule and would love for him to nap in his crib every day. The jury is still out on if he’ll be a napper — so far, we have not been successful! He’ll nap if he’s held, or in his swing — which barely swings at this point because he’s very close to the weight limit. Nighttime sleeping also regressed this month and he started waking up in the middle of the night for a bottle again. That is not my favorite thing in the world and it’s been really hard!
For Christmas he got some real outfits (ha!) so you might just see him sporting some real clothes rather than pajamas and sleepers 24/7. I think he might walk soon(ish), so shoes might be on the horizon!
We’re already thinking about his first birthday! I can’t believe it’s so soon.
Winter can feel slow, like everyone’s in hibernation mode — staying cozy at home. But…
I hear it all the time: why don't you just go back to work? When…
Apparently I love self help books and this month, I read four of them!
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