Categories: children

Twelve months with Lola Rey.

Lola turned one! Her birthday party is in January but I wanted to take a few minutes to share about her 12th month with us! This past month has actually been very tricky with her as she’s been so sick for most of it.

She caught a stomach bug somewhere, has had a cold, is teething, has had fevers — AND then came her 12 month shots! The poor girl can’t catch a break.

She’s 22 pounds still and the doctor says she’s in the 80th percentile for weight and height. She’s wearing 12-18 month clothes. She’s also looking so skinny! I think it’s because she’s running around like a maniac. She is always moving and doesn’t sit still, ever.

This month she was moved from the infant room to the toddler room! They said she invited herself in anyway so they thought they’d move her over. Apparently, she just opened the gates and did what she wanted.

She’s starting to get a third tooth (first one on the top) but she still eats anything and everything except peaches. She’s not a fan. She’s also not a fan of Santa!

She’s taken to throwing herself on the ground in a tantrum anytime she hears no. It’s real dramatic. She flails so much that at times she bumps her head or face and then cries real tears!

She’s still a good sleeper! We’ve made it through the first year with little to no midnight wake-ups. I call that a win.

On her actual birthday, she was so sick, but we still managed to eat cake for the first time!


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