Categories: children

Two months with Javier Cash.

Javi is 2 months old! And congrats to me for posting this on the proper day. 🙂

It’s been an exciting month — filled with Patriots games, and Halloween celebrations and visits to his great-grandmother. Our days are filled with nursery rhymes, board books, and outfit changes. So many outfit changes.

  Javi’s growing quickly. His 2 month check-up went well and the doctor is happy with his weight and length and lack of rashes and over all look. He does have cradle cap but we’ll be addressing that this week. I thought I wasn’t supposed to do anything about it (apparently, that’s wrong) and now we’ll be adding an extra step before bath time.    He’s not on any particular schedule. He doesn’t wake or eat at the same time every day but depending on when he does wake up, we can pretty much guarantee he’d like to eat every 2-3 hours. If he’s asleep, he’ll give us 3-4 hours before he expects to eat again (at night). He takes 4 oz per meal (during the day it’s split between breast milk and formula and at night it’s all formula). He hates when we take the bottle away to make him burp. His lip quivers and he screams and real tears flow from his eyes. As soon as the bottle is back in his sight he stops. As if he thinks “got what I wanted”.   He’s wearing size 1 diapers and 0-3 clothes. He’s always hot so it’s hard to know how to dress him (indoors and outdoors). I know I’m that mom that people look at and judge because he’s hatless and it’s chilly.    He’s incredibly alert. He loves being awake and looking around and wants to be entertained —  constantly. He loves looking at books and being sung to. He loves walks in his stroller, being in his car seat and going for car rides. We’ve resorted to driving him around the house in the umbrella stroller just as another way to keep him occupied. After 30-40 minutes he likes to be snuggled up in my arms, with his pacifier, and he likes to nap. If he’s truly sleeping, I can transition him to his swing but if he’s bordering between sleep and being awake and I try to put him down — waterworks!   He’s still sleeping next to our bed in the rock and play. I’m not sure when we’ll move him to his room or to his crib. I’m not ready for him to be far away (a whole 3 steps away from my bedroom). Typically, he falls asleep around 8PM, we wake him to eat between 10-11PM and he’ll sleep until 2-3AM. After a quick diaper change and a meal, he’s back to sleep until 6AM when he wants to eat again, then he’s back to sleep until 8AM. At some point, every night, Sean pulls him into our bed. Isn’t it funny how many things you do that you swore you never would? 🙂  

What I’ve learned: He has different cries and will smile if I smile.   What I’m enjoying right now: His giggles and smiles and coos and voice. I enjoy his constantly developing personality.    What my biggest struggles are: Burping him (he hates it so much), filtering out the endless advice people give me, sleeping when he sleeps (like right now).   What is his most exciting milestone: His smiles and his ability to track things visually and respond to our voices.   What I’m looking forward to: Definitely a full night’s sleep! And our trip to Puerto Rico, next month.


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