It’s been quite a while — ten weeks to be exact. I did sit down a few times, more recently, to try and get this ball rolling again, but each time had to stop. It’s disappointing to not have those ten weeks chronicled in some way so I’d like to do a bit of reflecting on the past 2 months… here goes: I last posted January 6th. Oddly enough on the 7th, I took a pregnancy test and guess what?
After a few weeks of waiting for appointments, telling family and close friends, getting so much blood drawn I thought, for sure, I was done for — we got an ultrasound that showed a due date of September 14th. They consider me “high-risk” so — extra ultrasounds, I guess, which is exciting though it also means lots of appointments with specialists and high-risk doctors — not so exciting.
Now, I’m 14 weeks 3 days and can finally use the computer for a good amount of time before feeling sick. So… what better time to get back to blogging! It’s been an incredibly horrible winter. Maybe you heard about Boston setting snowfall records or something like that? I’m very much over the winter weather and snow and cold temperatures — as is our house. The entire month of February we had ice dams and water came thru lots of our windows. You know what is an annoying sound in the middle of the night? Water dripping. You know what’s even more annoying? Three cats that think they are helping by trying to “catch” said water dripping.
All said and done, I think we got 9 feet in a few weeks time. Luckily, I got to be inside for most of it and had many days off from work due to snow days (a positive thing for someone dealing with the first trimester of pregnancy).
Winter can feel slow, like everyone’s in hibernation mode — staying cozy at home. But…
I hear it all the time: why don't you just go back to work? When…
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