3rd Pregnancy: 31 Weeks 5 Days.

I haven’t shared much about this pregnancy! For no other reason than I’m a little confused with what’s going on with my body and the baby. Doctors, too, seem a bit conflicted so it’s always a bit hard to put into words what and how I’m feeling. So, if you’ve asked I’ve probably said “it’s okay…” with a dazed smile.

I haven’t shared much about this pregnancy! For no other reason than I’m a little confused with what’s going on with my body and the baby. Doctors, too, seem a bit conflicted so it’s always a bit hard to put into words what and how I’m feeling. So, if you’ve asked I’ve probably said “it’s okay…” with a dazed smile.

None of my pregnancies have been particularly easy. I’m definitely a complainer, too. In my first pregnancy it was summer and it was hot and I was swollen. I thought I was in labor a million times and went in for every little thing I felt or didn’t feel. Because of a blood clotting disorder I had to do Lovenox injections after delivery which put a huge damper on motherhood and recovery. In my second pregnancy, a newly diagnosed autoimmune disorder had doctors a bit confused about blood types and symptoms and congenial heart block for the baby. Both times, things worked out and all the precautions were stressful but I (almost) forget most of the things that went on. In this third pregnancy — well, let me share a little more:

Things I have going on:

So… around week 20, I was diagnosed with Cholestasis and with that comes itchiness. Like intense, crazy itchiness with no rhyme or reason to it. I also have appeared to, for the first time, come down with eczema and have a crazy rash (not associated with the Cholestasis) all over my body. I’m also pretty anemic (this is not new to me or to my pregnancy). Plus the autoimmune disorder and the blood clotting disorder still in effect. What this means for me is that I’m supposed to monitor my diet, I take about 9 medications 3 times a day, and I’m just utterly pretty miserable.

With Cholestasis also comes an early delivery. So I’ll be induced at 36 weeks since the risk of stillbirth increases after week 37. Which means I don’t have that much time left and my hope is that the day she’s born my symptoms disappear! One of the reasons why I’m monitored so frequently (twice a week) is to ensure she’s not in any type of distress. If she shows signs of distress they’ll take her out right away. So we’ve also been talking about the possibility and the probability of a NICU stay — one of the main reasons I had to switch hospitals (to one that has a NICU).

Things she has going on:

So… at her anatomy scan it was discovered she had a Choroid Plexus Cyst on her brain. At the time, they told me it would probably resolve itself and disappear by 32 weeks and that it probably meant nothing was wrong — but there was a chance that it was a marker for a genetic condition that could mean she wouldn’t survive. We did 3 different blood tests to find out that the risk of something being wrong with her will be low and just a few weeks ago during the scan they no longer saw the cyst.

Like my second pregnancy, they told me that she has a chance of having congenial heart block because of my Sjogrens. I had two fetal echos done through Mass General and while they didn’t find that she had any heart block, they did discover she has a right-sided aortic arch which can be a marker for 22Q. Since I’ve switched my care to a hospital in Boston, they’ve now told me that she actually does not have a right-sided arch and it is left-sided — the way it’s supposed to be. So now, I have to go to Boston Children’s Hospital for (like) a 5th opinion. I don’t know what to do with that information (ha).


Her size: Last week when they did her measurements they said she was about 3 pounds 11 ounces. Since she has to come early, I’m hoping she’s at least 6 pounds by week 36.

Total weight gain: I believe I’m up about 14 pounds which is sort of crazy to me because it doesn’t seem like that much. With my previous pregnancies, I was super swollen by this week so I looked puffy and in total gained 35-40 pounds. That hasn’t hit me… yet.

Sleep: None! I’m pretty sure I have insomnia. I don’t usually fall asleep until 1 or 2AM and then I have to wake up at 4:45 for work. It’s not good at all. When I’m not up itching, I have to pee.

Food cravings: I don’t think I have any cravings.

Movement: She is crazy! Which is the best thing right now because they’ve scared me so much talking about stillbirth and calling right away if she doesn’t move (basically) every hour. So far, she’s a maniac in there which is comforting. She’s transverse which means she’s sideways across my belly which can be very painful when she moves. Her head is on my right side under my lungs which makes it impossible to breathe!

Anyway — that’s a little bit about baby #3! I hope to share more soon!

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  1. And still you smile! You are making the most of fall and your two children haven’t skipped a beat as you continue to make sure their life is “normal”. I am in awe of who you are, what you are able to do, and the patience you have. Despite the lady bugs that are trying to torment you! Wishing you the best! I can’t wait to meet her and watch her grow up right before our eyes. You’ve got this.

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