We had a great Easter weekend (it’s already been a week since the holiday!) — and I wanted to share a bit about it before the memories get away from me. We’re still making our own traditions around holidays and now that Javi is a toddler it’s a bit more fun to figure out what we want to do as a family. I can’t wait until Lola is also running around (ha!) and we’re all making memories together.
I had wanted to take them to see the Easter bunny for a few weeks but time got away from us. The night before Easter we went to the mall and we met the bunny. It turns out that’s a great time to meet the bunny because by then everyone had already taken their pictures and there was no line! It wasn’t the best picture and Javi was not into it until their turn was over. But I’m glad we did it. I think going the night before will become a tradition.

Easter morning, Javi woke up at 5AM and I told him it was still the middle of the night and that the bunny hadn’t come yet. So he crawled back into bed and we ended up having to wake HIM up around 8. 🙂 But he was so excited to come downstairs and see his (and Lola’s) baskets from the Easter bunny. He got a small puzzle, some bath bombs and crayons (by the way, nothing will urge you to scrub tile grout like “washable” tub crayons), a book, and some other small items. Lola got just a few things like an outfit, a book, and some teething toys.

It took a few minutes for Javi to understand the concept of an Easter egg hunt. Clearly, he doesn’t remember doing it last year and we didn’t do the town hunt this year because everything was still covered in snow! I wasn’t willing to go through that…
But once we explained to him that eggs were hidden around the house and that THINGS were inside… like chocolate, stickers and money — he was all over it (and VERY good at it). Full disclosure: his Easter diet consisted of m&ms… all day.

Another thing we did Easter morning was a little Easter craft 🙂 I’m so excited to have this little keepsake of their footprints.

We also dyed Easter eggs! It was a lot of (messy) fun.

After our morning at home, we went to my parent’s house for brunch and ended up staying there the rest of the day. Javi was so excited because the bunny KNEW he would go there Easter day and had left a basket and hidden eggs there, too! Imagine that. 🙂
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