Family time: building a snowman

Or a “no-man” as Javi calls it. 🙂 On Sunday morning we woke up to 6 inches of snow! Luckily, we planned for it so we had all our snow gear. Javi wasn’t sure about building a snowman but honestly, I don’t think he knew what we were talking about.

Javi in the snow

Over the weekend we drove to Maine to spend four days with Sean’s parents! It was a three and a half hour drive and we were so lucky that both Javi and Lola fell asleep for it. We planned to leave right after Lola’s 11AM bottle but of course, plans don’t always work out! We did end up on the road by noon and Lola slept the ENTIRE ride. Within minutes of being in the car, Javi requested his lunch/snacks (thank goodness I brought some) and after eating and watching some Mickey on the tablet he fell asleep for the middle of the trip. We called it a success! We had such a nice weekend and I have so many pictures so I plan to share them in several posts.

Javi in the snow
Javi in the snow
Javi in the snow
Javi in the snow
Javi in the snow

Do you want to build a snowman?

Or a “no-man” as Javi calls it. 🙂 On Sunday morning we woke up to 6 inches of snow! Luckily, we planned for it so we had all our snow gear. Javi wasn’t sure about building a snowman but honestly, I don’t think he knew what we were talking about. Once the ball started rolling (literally), he was very much into it and became the snowman-building-supervisor.

Javi in the snow

Toddler ways…

I’m not getting the hang of the whole toddler AND a newborn thing. I spend A LOT of time with Lola these days (with maternity leave and all) and I’m finding when Javi’s around I can’t switch gears. Babies and big kids need different things. Javi is experimenting with boundaries and pushing our buttons (for sure) and he’s also trying to enjoy Lola while assuring himself that we love him just the same. I know all these things. But it’s still really hard when all day I hear “I DO IT”. “YOU DON’T DO IT”. “IT’S NOT YOUR TURN”. “THIS IS NOT YOURS”.

But then, he’ll snuggle up real close and give me a kiss. I just don’t know!

Javi in the snow
Javi in the snow
Javi in the snow

Unfortunately, within a few hours, our snowman fell over! It was a little lopsided to begin with but it warmed up a lot in the afternoon. I was very happy about this and got the bright idea to go to the beach. More on that later (but just so you know, the beach no matter what, does NOT warm up on a February day in New England). Brr!

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