Four months with Lola Rey.

Here we are — almost with a five month old, and I still haven’t jotted down some notes about Lola being four months old. Insert huge mom fail… or chalk it up to being the second child.

Here we are — almost with a five month old, and I still haven’t jotted down some notes about Lola being four months old. Insert huge mom fail… or chalk it up to being the second child. Either way, I’m terrible. Just for a time reference, the dates included in this “4 month update” are March 27-April 27. I know, it’s the end of May… 

Anyway. At four months old, Lola was about 15 pounds 10 ounces. I know this because Sean took her to the doctor for her check-up. I also got a text about her being “26 something” and looking back at our texts messages I can only assume he was talking about her length. In comparison to Javi, at 4 months, she’s teeny as he was 18 pounds and 27 inches long. 

The concept of the Easter Bunny is something Sean’s against and I think is so fun! Unfortunately, Javi and Lola weren’t totally into him (no down right tears, though). I’d like to make it a tradition… until it becomes traumatic.   

This was the month, she started daycare, got pretty sick (head cold and cough type sick), celebrated Easter, went to the mall (and we broke out the double stroller for the first time!), met the Easter bunny, and started teething and drooling everywhere. She also found her voice. Wow. Is she loud! 🙂

This was the month that Sean traveled to Florida and we survived a few days without him. Lola also started joining Javi at all HIS things (sports class, his school’s ice cream social). She was sleeping about 10-7 in her crib which is perfect. At home we were feeding her 6 ounces then we found out daycare was giving 7 ounces every 3 hours so we increased at home, too.   

 She has a great personality. She gets really angry when she’s hungry, laughs really hard when Javi’s around and plays with her, and every once in a while when she gets spooked by something, gets really sad. She has a sad, sad cry. It breaks your heart.

Stay tuned… I’m so late with this update that in a few days I’ll post about “five months with Lola Rey”!

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