I went back to work the last week in August. Knowing that week is always a little busy and filled with a lot of mixed emotions (mostly negative — I won’t lie) — Sean decided to take the kids to his parent’s house in Maine. He had to take time off that week anyway since they didn’t start school yet so it seemed like a perfect time to see some family and have some time just him and the kids (after I had them with me most of the summer).
I was looking forward to relaxing — I did get my nails done and spent a whole TWO HOURS at Target just walking around but ultimately I was so sad to miss out on their adventures! They went to playgrounds, and forts, and the aquarium, and the beach, and lighthouses. Every time Sean sent me pictures my heart stung a little! I didn’t really expect that. 🙂
It was also the first time since becoming a mother that I spent time in our house… ALONE. So that was crazy! I spent my time eating chinese food on the couch and watching Netflix and then went to bed by 9PM every night. ha!
I’m happy I was able to get that time at the end of summer to just *be* and happy the kids got time in Maine with Sean and his parents.
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