May Highlights.

May was packed with activities including school events, sports, and Scouts.

May, May, May — also known as May-cember. 🙂 It’s a month that is not only pretty demanding on parents (spring sports, school events, and wrapping up the end of the school year) but there’s also random spring illnesses, a to-do list that is never ending and the desire to just be outside… if only we could get rid of seasonal allergies! Here’s a look back at our May:

SCHOOL STUFF: From weekly volunteering, the Book Fair, field trips, teacher appreciation week, PTO commitments, Speech Therapy, enrichment classes and Specialists Night (not to mention daily drop off and pick-up) — I felt like I never left their school!

SPORTS STUFF: Lacrosse, baseball and soccer are… going. Baseball has been very popular with both Javi and Eva and they never want it to end. (I’m looking forward to the end of the season, only because 4 nights a week will suddenly be free!) Lola likes soccer, too! But the jury is still out whether she’ll do it again. 🙂 — Lacrosse is out. Javi’s hoping to get rid of his gear so he never has to play, ever… again!

MEMORIAL DAY PARADES: Lola and Javi both marched in two Memorial Day parades with Scouts. They were very respectful and took marching very seriously! Lola was chosen to lay a wreath on one of the memorials (I’m not sure she knew what she was doing, but she did it well.) Sean joined them and Eva, Walker and I watched from the sidelines!

WALKER: I’ll be sure to put up a full post about Walker’s month of growth but just know he’s a giant, eats his hands all day, and is such a good baby. We love him so much!

EVA: Eva has been living her best life! Between new sneakers, a new bike, bubbles, the mud kitchen, gardening, brunch with friends — and baseball (!) she’s usually pretty excited about her day!

HALF BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION: We also celebrated her half birthday which she LOVED. She’s very focused on being four and a HALF now.

LOLA: Lola also got a new bike, took her first field trip (to the zoo), went on a hike with Girl Scouts, went ice skating for the first time (we should have brought knee pads!!), and has been gearing up for her recital next month that she cannot wait for!

Javi: Javi has finally reached the stage in life where he wants nothing (and I do mean, nothing) to do with photos. Getting him to smile for photos is a chore! But he is loving our newly paved driveway and has been heading out every night before bed to play basketball. He did a lot of work with Scouts this month, including a rocket launch. He also got a haircut!

OTHER STUFF: We also put up the gallery wall of kids art again, raised caterpillars into butterflies, broke out the sprinkler (and the window ACs!), went for lots of walks, celebrated Mother’s Day, rode bikes, went fishing, looked at RVs, planned our summer break, visited a doctor (nearly) every week of the month, cleaned our basement, went out on a date night, and spent a weekend camping!

Now, onto June!

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