Walker turned nine months old on December 1st so here are some photos of his November. Our family recap is here, but here’s a deeper peek at our littlest guy’s 9-month old development.

Walker continues to be a very snuggly guy but is already starting to fall asleep on us less and less. He has severe FOMO and barely sleeps during the day anymore. He goes to bed each night around 6:30PM and for a few nights, made it until 6AM but the more consistent wake-up time, is between 4-5AM.
His 9-month old development is right on track but he is big! He continues to track in the like the 90-99th percentile. He’s super heavy; definitely strong. I’ve debated switching him out of the infant carrier and into a real car seat but I haven’t made the decision yet. When he does fall asleep in the car, that heavy seat is super convenient.
He likes to play now, and is super ticklish. He can’t handle his back being touched, he laughs so much he has tears in his eyes. He’s getting the hang of peek-a-boo, and laughs and laughs. He also thinks it’s very funny to act like an animal while getting a diaper changed or getting dressed. He loves bath time and just recently discovered he can splash the water to make it more fun.
He had one sick visit this month for his eyes. His tear ducts are blocked so he kind of always looks like he’s crying! They said it should clear up on it’s own.
He continues to be the highlight of everyone’s day! We can’t get enough of him and his growing personality.

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