Our road trip to Florida + Road trip activities for kids.

I tried to be really thoughtful about how we packed the car and the amount of stuff we brought with us — knowing that a car packed full of stuff and people can pretty quickly become overwhelming. We’ve done a number of trips across country (pre-kids) but adding kids to the mix is tricky!

Last month we drove to Florida. It was about a 22-hour drive. We left our house at 4AM and drove until around 4PM making it to Southern Virginia. The following day, we left the hotel again around 4AM and made it to Sean’s dad’s house in Del Ray Beach, Florida around 6PM. We stopped a lot — as you can imagine — I mean, we have a three year old who swears he doesn’t have to pee when we stop at the rest area but as soon as we’re back on the highway declares he has to poop NOW.

I tried to be really thoughtful about how we packed the car and the amount of stuff we brought with us — knowing that a car packed full of stuff and people can pretty quickly become overwhelming. We’ve done a number of trips across country (pre-kids) but adding kids to the mix is tricky! I packed each of them a backpack filled with goodies — some dollar spot finds from Target, stickers, their favorite stuffed animal and 2 books each. Plus a few toys + a tablet loaded with movies and their favorite shows and snacks. So many snacks.

Car Activities for a 3 year old:

Javi’s travel tray / Writing Tablet / Wipe clean workbook / Travel BINGO / Magic Wow

Car Activities for an 18 month old:

Lola’s travel tray / Mickey Magnetic Fun / Play and Go Travel Tray / Etch a Sketch / Crayons

Once we made it to Florida we had such an amazing time! I mean, the drive was great and all, but in about… South Carolina I was pretty ready to be out of the car. I was also very done with fried chicken. It seemed like that’s all we ate for every meal.

While we visited Sean’s dad we spent time at the pool, at a drive-thru safari park (!), walked through a preserve and saw alligators, ate out at great restaurants, and of course went to Disney World.

We had such a great trip and it was so nice to visit Sean’s dad and for the kids to spend time with him. They were obsessed!

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