Seven Months with Walker Phoenix.

Our littlest guy is seven months old and is a lovebug!

This month Walker spent lots of time outside! Between early mornings spent at the bus stop, and mid afternoon walks to drop Eva off at pre-k — he’s loving all his different strollers! I don’t know how (ha!) but we’ve multiplied the amount of strollers we own. We have the stroller for the infant car seat, a jogging stroller, an umbrella stroller, a double stroller — it’s sort of silly! But they really all do serve a different, yet valuable, purpose! He also had his first ride in the tricycle! He wasn’t sure what was going on…

He’s been loving cheerios and other baby snacks! He hasn’t mastered feeding himself so he’s still in that I’m-a-baby-bird-feed-me phase. It’s really cute. Every time someone walks by him, he expects a cheerio to be put into his mouth! He’s been coming to preschool story time with me and Eva every Thursday. He LOVES it. He totally loves people watching but also just lights up when everyone starts singing nursery rhymes. I think he thinks they are singing specifically to him. 🙂 He also loves going to the playground after!

He’s shown an interest in some of the toys we have for him. We don’t have a whole lot out — I think a trip to the basement toy bins might be in the near future — but he loves anything he can put his mouth. The only things out are stacking blocks, different texture balls, the mirrored balls and some books.

He had quite a few “firsts” this past month — he celebrated his half-birthday (!), other birthdays (mine and Javi’s), went to his first scrapbooking event, and his first high school football game (Lola cheered at it!) He was in good spirits for everything! All the different strollers really do come in handy!

He knows his routine pretty well. He sleeps in his crib, loves to snuggle in our bed in the morning, loves to sit in his highchair while everyone eats at mealtimes, still takes naps in his swing, and will roll around on the floor all day long! He’s getting bigger but his sizing for clothes and diapers remains the same. He’s also still having the same number of bottles — usually, around 5AM, 8AM, 11AM, 2PM, 4PM, and 7PM. (give or take!)

I think in this next month he’ll show a lot of growth because there’s a lot of changes in his little body! My guess is he’ll start to crawl, and then work on sitting up totally independently. I love watching him change! He’s so proud of himself and has the biggest smile! He is truly such a happy guy!

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