We made it to March 1st! It’s the day we get to celebrate our favorite ONE year old! Wow!

He slept in until almost 7:30 on his birthday! He woke up and drank his bottle near his new (to him) kitchen set. He’s such a fan! He loves opening and closing all the cabinet doors, and playing with all the wooden food. It was a perfect first birthday present!

He played all day, refused to nap (it’s like he knew it was his birthday!), and waited for grandparents and aunts to come see him for dinner and cake. He even got to open some presents. 🙂 I say “he got to open presents” somewhat jokingly because the other kids couldn’t contain their excitement for him and mostly opened all his gifts for him.

He got some fun toys, and a new bike! He also got to eat cake, and I think he was a fan.

He visits the doctor for his wellness check in two days and I can’t wait to see his growth. He’s still in the infant carseat but I think we’ll swap it out this week. He is HEAVY. He’s in a great routine that I’m sure will be disrupted as we wean him off formula in the next few days. But he is definitely living his best life and is so aware of his surroundings, full of smiles and squeals, and loves to play with his siblings. He’s still passed around like a rag doll even though he’s huge, and wherever he is, is the first place everyone goes when they get home from wherever they’ve been.

Happy Birthday, Walker Phoenix! You are such a light, and make every day bright! 🙂
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